Chef a domicilio Laura Ariana Valenzuela - Take a Chef

Chef Laura Ariana Valenzuela

Chef Privado En Cabo San Lucas
Chef Laura Ariana Valenzuela

Conóceme mejor

The highest quality standards in the comfort of your home.

Hi my name is Laura Suarez and i have over 16 years of experience in the food and beverage industry with the highest quality standards in the most luxurious locations at Los Cabos Baja California Sur and Patagonia Argentina amongst others.

I am widely qualified to offer to your guests an unforgettable culinary experience.

Using regional & organic seasonal products and artisanal fishing, selecting them in a carefully way and environmentally conscious manner.

I have a very strong and always present conviction: "We are what we eat", so i offer you an extensive variety of mixed drinks and fusion cuisine, where you can also find specific nutrition requirements like a wide gluten free, healthy, vegan and fitness inspired meals. Taking care of your body and soul, which makes my company unique in the local gourmet field.

Foto de Laura Ariana Valenzuela

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

For me, cooking is my way of giving love to others and love the nature.

Aprendí a cocinar en...

I started cooking at an early age (5 years old) on my family's farm. Then I studied cooking in Patagonia Argentina and traveled to Italy to do my int

Un secreto...

Select raw material very carefully.

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  3. Laura Ariana Valenzuela
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