Chef Moha Ghanem

Private Chef In București
Chef Moha Ghanem

Get to know me better

, I believe in the power of food to connect people, transcend borders, and tell stories. I aim to bring the world to the plate.

Born in the heart of Jordan, I embarked on a culinary journey that has taken me across Europe and the Middle East for the past 15 years. With a passion for food deeply rooted in my Jordanian heritage, I honed my culinary skills in diverse kitchens, blending traditional flavors with modern techniques. My culinary odyssey has been a tapestry of experiences, from the rich and aromatic spices of the Middle East to the nuanced and refined cuisines of Europe. Along this path, I've absorbed the essence of each region's culinary identity, creating a unique fusion of flavors that defines my cooking style.

As a chef, I believe in the power of food to connect people, transcend borders, and tell stories. I aim to bring the world to the plate, sharing my culinary adventures through every dish I create.

Join me on this gastronomic journey as we explore the intersection of tradition and innovation, creating unforgettable dining experiences that celebrate the diversity of flavors found across continents.

Photo from Moha Ghanem

More about me

For me, cooking is...

cooking is a life style

I learned to cook at...

i start as pastry chef and then i become a line cook chef, i had a chance to work with legends in kitchens as chefs around the word

A cooking secret...

tearting the raw ingredients with care and enjoying cooking

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