Chef Subash Adhikari

Chef At Home In Menziken
Chef Subash Adhikari

Get to know me better

Ive been working in michelin star restaurants,and i love to share my passion and creativity cooking dishes with unique taste from all around the word.

During my training I had the opportunity to work in the best restaurants such as "Miramar", with Michelin stars and also in traditional restaurants such as Trattoria with the simplest tastes, both in Italy and abroad, mastering different types of cuisine such as Indian, Lebanese, Moroccan and from my country of origin. I have in-depth training, which allows me to lend a hand in all areas of the kitchen. I am very creative,competent, punctual, passionate and serious in my tasks.

Photo from Subash Adhikari

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My passion and creativity

I learned to cook at...

i was lucky to learn in michelin star restaurant in spain london,in the most traditional restaurants in itlay

A cooking secret...

Combining diffrent ingredients from diffrent part of world to crerate my own dishes

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  2. Chefs in Switzerland
  3. Subash Adhikari
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