Private Chef Hugo Brihuega García - Take a Chef

Chef Hugo Brihuega García

Chef At Home In Madrid
Chef Hugo Brihuega García

Get to know me better

I´m tradition hand in hand with the new culinary techniques. Gastronomic affection, love, respect for the product and for the tecniques.

Profesional chef with more than 20 years in the hospitality industry.

I have developed different positions in high-end Catering, 4 and 5 star Hotels as well as in national and international restaurants some of wich have 1,2 and 3 Michelin stars.

Creative, accustomed to work in different envoironments, good comunicator, customer-oriented, great ability for interpersonal relationships.

I am attracted to challenges and have great control in changing siyuations.

Photo from Hugo Brihuega García

More about me

For me, cooking is...

It is expresssing and making known what is inside me restouring bodies and souls throgh the knowledge acquired over the years.

I learned to cook at...

Hospitality school and different gastronomic restaurant: Martín Berasategui ***, Carmen Ruscalleda**, Manuel De la Osa*, o Sean Conolly in Australia*.

A cooking secret...

An adequate organization, management and control of the techniques and the product. Give the client what i would like to give me.

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  2. Chefs in Spain
  3. Hugo Brihuega García
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