Chef Todd Reding

Chef At Home In Grinnell
Chef Todd Reding

Get to know me better

I believe in living a wholehearted life and I have a passion for good food, outdoor living and connections with others.

I am a self-trained, professional chef and a partner in a restaurant group which currently owns four "units." I am married and have three grown children and an above average dog named, Otis. Serving and connecting with guests in a warm, joyful environment and providing them food that is created with their needs in mind; is a thrill. I am fortunate to do this without the need for a career, or a "job". My culinary abilities are wide and I have been responsible for inventory management, menu engineering, managing and scheduling kitchen staff, restaurant operations, etc.

Photo from Todd Reding

More about me

For me, cooking is...

about the service to the guest. Creative expression, culinary adventure, and your general cooking ability is only as valuable as the guest perceives.

I learned to cook at...

age 12 when my single mother was a school teacher coming home at late hours.

A cooking secret...

connect with your guests and find the creative adventure they will appreciate.

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