Chef Robert Holicza

Personal Chef In Vác
Chef Robert Holicza

Get to know me better

Dietitian & Chef dedicated to Sustainable Eating

I am a Dietitian graduated at Semmelweis University in 2016. For my practical semester, I won an Erasmus+ scholarship to the Universidad de Granada in Spain, where I was able to help patients recover in one of the most widely acknowledged hospitals.

After that, from 2018, I worked in different health promotion centres in the Canary Islands. It was here that I began to dive deeper into the science of sustainability from a food and nutrition perspective, and to incorporate my knowledge in this field into the framework of individual consultations.

Between 2020 and 2021, I turned my knowledge into something even more practical and directly helpful, gaining a Professional Chef qualification at the Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla, which I started making us of in the Spanish gastronomic hotbed, San Sebastián and Bilbao, in the Basque Country, this time helping healthy and vegan catering establishments to convey to people the fact that what is healthy and sustainable restaurant food can also be delicious, and beyond.

In 2022, I reached a new milestone as I was entrusted to manage the kitchen of a hostel in Ireland, where I had a significant influence on what to put on the menu and how to prepare it in terms of sustainable and healthy eating. Later that year, I was able to gain a professional contribution to another European gastronomic hub, becoming a cook in one of Paris' top vegan restaurants, which also added a lot to my knowledge of sustainable cooking and hospitality from a practical point of view.

I firmly believe that health and sustainability must go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. I believe that we all must take responsibility in our daily actions for the future we want to live in.

I offer services:

1. For individuals and families

2. For restaurants and food businesses

1. For individuals and families:

▪️Personal Dietary Plan - Analyze, create and follow up your diet (with you) in order to guarantee what you eat is healthy and the most sober possible from an ecological aspect

▪️Food Choice & Storage - Help you to decide what kind of food to buy and how to organize your kitchen storage - As we know, what we have at home, probably will end up on our plate

▪️Personal Training of Sustainable Cooking - I teach you how to cook the way that is healthy and puts the least stress on the environment

2. For restaurants and food businesses:

▪️Production Chain Analysis and Transparency - Finding and modifying strategic key points in the production chain; Definition and establishment of a transparent profile towards consumers

▪️Sustainable Menu ‐ Recreation or modification of the menu according to the criteria of a sustainable gastronomic offer

▪️Event Promotion & Animation ‐ Interactive cooking events to promote healthy, ecological and sustainable food and this way of eating

Photo from Robert Holicza

More about me

For me, cooking is...

A source of wellbeing and enjoyment

I learned to cook at...

Kimtxu - Restaurant specialised in Asian fusion

A cooking secret...

Maintain a creative and curious attitude while cooking and treat food with love and respect.

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  3. Robert Holicza
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