Chef Botond Feher

Private Chef In Cluj-Napoca
Chef Botond Feher

Get to know me better

I am a food enthusiast, traveler and local ingredients and global flavours lover.

I'm a seasoned chef with over 11 years of professional experience. My culinary journey began in Cluj, where I honed my skills in a traditional restaurant, crafting fresh dishes with a daily rotating menu. My time in England introduced me to the world of fresh seafood, providing a solid foundation in kitchen management. Upon returning to Cluj, I expanded my repertoire to include international cuisine. Passionate about brunch, I spent two years perfecting dishes in a bustling brunch spot, eventually rising to the role of kitchen executive. Recently, I led the culinary team as head chef at a local restaurant, emphasizing the use of locally-sourced ingredients.

Photo from Botond Feher

More about me

For me, cooking is...

an expression of passion, creativity and connection with people.

I learned to cook at...

I began my culinary journey in Cluj, where I also completed a cooking course. Later, in England, I expanded my knowledge through specialized courses.

A cooking secret...

Transforming seasonal ingredients into simple yet flavorful dishes.

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