Privatkoch Robert Ott - Take a Chef

Chef Robert Ott

Koch Zu Hause In Berlin
Chef Robert Ott

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"Simplicity meets finesse" Japanese French Cuisine Health, technique and joy of flavor

Im cooking as long I can think, influenced by my Mother, that has been a chef as well. Growing up in Herb- and Fruit Gardens.

Specialized my self on Japanese-, French Cuisine and special Diet Cuisine for People with health issues.

I learned cooking in many places like Hilton WA, Grand Hyatt Berlin at Vox Restaurant, Capital Club Berlin.

I studied Business Administration for Hotels and Gastronomy to combine my Passion for food with supervision for economy and efficiency.

Foto von Robert Ott

Mehr über mich

Kochen ist für mich...

Pure Passion. Enjoying the beauty and the diversity of food. I can go to the market and adore the beauty of that one Tomato.

Ich habe kochen gelernt bei...

My Mother that has been a professional chef too and the luxury Hotels and Restaurants of Berlin.

Ein Kochgeheimnis...

Balanced flavors that finds their root in Umami and products that are served and prepared in techniques of haute cuisine.

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