Chef Quessi Jhones Souza Da Silva

Private Chef In Doha
Chef Quessi Jhones Souza Da Silva

Get to know me better

As a Brazilian chef with knowledge of my country's culinary heritage, I understand the importance of using high-quality ingredients.

As a passionate Brazilian chef with a deep connection to my country's culinary heritage, I am committed to creating delicious and nutritious meals with high-quality ingredients that honor the traditional recipes and techniques of my culture. I take great pride in working fresh ingredients to showcase the unique flavors of my country and to provide a taste of home to those who eat my dishes.Through my carefully crafted dishes, I hope to preserve the legacy of Brazilian cuisine for future generations to enjoy.

Photo from Quessi Jhones Souza Da Silva

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Food is more than just sustenance, - it's a way to create and connect. My mission is to harness the power of culinary arts to captivate and impress.

I learned to cook at...

I started under the tutelage of my mother and grandmother in the family farm. I then honed my skills through courses and mentorship from a head chef.

A cooking secret...

the use of fresh and natural ingredients, which I strive to incorporate into every dish.

My menus

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