Chef Athallah Noval

Private Chef In Palembang
Chef Athallah Noval

Get to know me better

I am a passionate and creative chef dedicated to crafting culinary masterpieces that delight and tantalize the taste buds.

I am a skilled and experienced chef with a deep love for the art of cooking. With a meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of culinary excellence, I strive to create extraordinary dining experiences that leave a lasting impression. Through innovative techniques, harmonious flavor combinations, and a dedication to using the finest ingredients, I aim to transport diners on a journey of flavors and textures that evoke joy, satisfaction, and a sense of culinary discovery. As a chef, I am driven by the desire to continuously learn, grow, and push the boundaries of gastronomy, always seeking to create memorable moments and elevate the dining experience to new heights.

Photo from Athallah Noval

More about me

For me, cooking is...

For me, cooking is pure creative expression through flavors and a way to bring joy to others.

I learned to cook at...

I learned at sunway le cordon bleu malaysia, im also think im passionate at cooking

A cooking secret...

My secret in the kitchen lies in the perfect balance of passion, experimentation, and attention to detail.

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