Chef Vanilane Motta

Chef At Home In Amsterdam
Chef Vanilane Motta

Get to know me better

I love to cook and I want to share the best dishes

I am a chef with 10 years of professional experience, I studied at DOM in Sao Paulo, Le Cordon Bleu and Artes e Culinárias in Netherlands. My specialties are Brazilian, American, Peruvian, French, Mexican, Italian and some parts of Europe. I want to share my experiences because I love to cook from the heart.

I also specialize in nutrition for good food, for diet, special foods for babies, children and adults. Which can be savored in your everyday life. In addition to preparing tasty dishes and having everything ready, we put together kits for you to eat well all week. In the kitchen I find my refuge and organize my thoughts. By cooking, I manage to combine elements that I like and the results are always surprising! If I cook for you, you can know that you are, at the very least, very important to me!

Photo from Vanilane Motta

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Share the best and your ideas

I learned to cook at...

At home with my aunt, after that it was my passion

A cooking secret...

My ideas, I don't have many secrets, because I like to share the best of me!

My menus

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