Chef Chantee Fraser

Chef At Home In Hartford
Chef Chantee Fraser

Get to know me better

Transforming your kitchen into a gourmet sanctuary where every meal is a masterpiece!

As an ex-executive chef with over 11 years of culinary expertise, born and raised in the vibrant culinary scene of New York, I honed my skills at The Art Institute of NYC, where I earned my Associates in Culinary Arts, Restaurant Management, and Pastry Arts. Renowned for my innovative approach to flavors and spices, I infuse every dish with a touch of creativity and excitement, delivering unparalleled culinary experiences. Following my education, I embarked on a successful career in various esteemed New York restaurants, eventually rising to the role of executive chef. However, after my third year, I faced a personal battle with cancer, prompting me to pivot and channel my culinary talents into new endeavors.

Photo from Chantee Fraser

More about me

For me, cooking is...

For me, cooking is not just a profession; it's a passion, an art form, and a way of life.

I learned to cook at...

The Russian Tea Room in NYC.

A cooking secret...

My secret in the kitchen is to always cook with heart and intuition.

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