Chef Indigo Mathewson

Private Chef In Waikoloa Village
Chef Indigo Mathewson

Get to know me better

I am an intentional chef. I love helping people to create and build connections through food. Memories and stories to last a lifetime.

Aloha! My name is Indigo and I’m a private chef and caterer. I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawai’i on the island of O’ahu, and recently relocated to North Kohala to be more connected with food and nature, which are both big passions of mine. I love sharing the flavors of our island cuisine and the local ingredients that I grew up with, and adding my own fresh twist on them. I cook food intentionally by not only creating edible art that tastes good, but leaves you feeling good.

I’ve been cooking since I was a child, but professionally for 12 years in restaurants, farmers markets, catering companies all over Seattle, Austin, and Honolulu. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Culinary Arts from Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA which I obtained to not only further understand the science of food, but how it effects our bodies on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. I view food holistically, and believe that fresh and quality ingredients are superior overall.

Photo from Indigo Mathewson

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Everything, and has been for a while. It's not only my livelihood, but a lot of my most favorite memories. You could say that I'm obsessed with food.

I learned to cook at...

Originally at home, by my mom. But also through trial and error, and over 10 years in many different restaurants and catering companies.

A cooking secret...

Taste as you go. I barely ever use recipes, and if I do, I always tweak them or change something about them to give it a personal twist.

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