Chef Michael Fields

Personal Chef In Santa Clarita
Chef Michael Fields

Get to know me better

My passion for cooking shines through by providing every guest a truly memorable experience.

I am a professional chef with 9 years experience. Prior to being a chef, I was a full animal butcher and worked primarily with beef, poultry, and pigs.

After 3 years as a butcher, I jumped head-first into my culinary journey in restaurants. I learned everything on the job while also attending culinary school in my downtime. My strengths are American, Korean/Japanese, and French cuisine. I've spent time in a multitude of restaurants, but have enjoyed the steakhouse experience the most.

Due to my background as a butcher, it has strengthened my respect for where food comes from and minimizing food waste as much as possible is giant for me. Also, being mindful of portion control and making the most out of the cost of food.

I have a plethora of recipes and also enjoy teaching my craft and sharing it with others.

All in all, for me food is about creating memorable experiences for my patrons that they can look back on at a future time, days, weeks, years down the road, and have it bring a spark of happiness into their day. I give the utmost respect to the ingredients, let them speak for themselves, and stay within the guidelines given to me by the guest. If there are dietary restrictions, I can adapt my recipes to accommodate for them.

At the end of the day, I hope that I can be your chef and share my happiness and passion through my food with you.

Photo from Michael Fields

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My passion, it is what makes me happy and keeps me going through every day. Extremely important, and I strive for perfection.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook through my time in restaurants, starting at a steakhouse in Ventura, California. I went to ICE for culinary school.

A cooking secret...

Treating all ingredients with the utmost respect, giving the food my undivided attention, and cooking with love.

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