Chef Janvi Mohabeer

Chef At Home In St. John's
Chef Janvi Mohabeer

Get to know me better

Hello! I am a young aspiring chef. I absolutely adore food, and cooking for, and serving people.

I am a 23 year girl from Mauritius and have been living in St John’s NL for almost 5 years now. I am a graduate from the Memorial University, with a BA in Economics. I have a burning passion for cooking and baking, and adore sharing my creations with people.

I started cooking at a very young age in order to help my family. I used to play this game where I would guess what was in the dish and try to recreate it from taste. I eventually found a real love for cooking once I started living on my own at the age of 18. Changing countries meant changing ingredients and comfort zones, which has equipped me with the ability of being able to treat any ingredient or cuisine that is thrown my way.

Photo from Janvi Mohabeer

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking for me is a love note to the people around me. I love to ensure that my dishes are not only aesthetic and flavourful , but also healthy!

I learned to cook at...

I learnt cooking from my mother and also from my time as a professional line and prep cook. I love cooking and am always teaching myself everyday!

A cooking secret...

To share my mixed roots (Indian, Creole, French) through my food and to treat my ingredients with great love!

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