Chef Nicholas Bailey

Personal Chef In Calgary
Chef Nicholas Bailey

Get to know me better

A passion for cooking and a drive to constantly explore new flavours.

With a culinary journey spanning a decade, I am a seasoned professional chef whose passion for cooking ignited at a tender age. My expertise was honed through rigorous training and academic pursuit at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. From humble beginnings, I ascended to the esteemed role of Sous Chef in Vancouver, showcasing my adeptness in the culinary arts. Additionally, I contributed my talents to the prestigious Fairmont in Whistler, enriching my repertoire with diverse experiences and refined techniques.

Photo from Nicholas Bailey

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Something I've explored since I was young and something I'm very passionate about.

I learned to cook at...

I trained and was taught to cook at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

A cooking secret...

In my kitchen, I persistently explore new flavor approaches and ingredient combinations, pushing the boundaries of culinary creativity.

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