Chef Katie Cellucci

Private Chef In Biddeford
Chef Katie Cellucci

Get to know me better

Passionate chef who wants to create and share their craft creating memorable moments.

My whole world has always centered around food.

It's something we need, but every meal should be something we want. There are few feelings that compare to seeing someone take their first bite; the joy, surprise, comfort, delight, satisfaction - it gives me satisfaction every time.

It's something I've always felt, something that gave me unwavering clarity that I should be a chef. It started with gourmet tuna sandwiches and five star bowls of cereal for my aunt and grandmother as a child. It grew watching my Italian father, the primary cook in our house, moving around the kitchen with ease, enjoying every nostalgic moment as his hands worked. It was nurtured with multi-course dinners during holidays and celebrations, never limited to one serving of dessert because food is meant to be enjoyed. It is my love language and building something from scratch allows me to express my creativity with each custom dish.

After spending years in the restaurant industry, I am now fortunate to have made building this connection between people and food into my full time career. When I work with a new client we uncover this connection, building a custom menu that goes beyond meeting your needs into something that brings joy, unites people and offers a true experience centered around food.

I chose the name "Mangia" for my business because it is something my father would say often when he cooked, loud and boisterous and waiting for that same reaction to the first bite that I love so much. With the support of my parents and my father's passion for food (and genetics) I've been able to turn my love for creation into my full time career. Thank you for your interest in my services, I look forward to creating that connection and custom experience for you.

Photo from Katie Cellucci

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Creating memories full of connection, laughter, and warmth.

I learned to cook at...

Vocation-Technical High School Johnson & Wales 12 Years of industry experience

A cooking secret...

Creating an atmosphere that feels comfortable and familiar.

Book your experience with Chef Katie

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