Chef a domicilio Benjamin Leib - Take a Chef

Chef Benjamin Leib

Chef Privado En กาโบซันลูกัส
Chef Benjamin Leib

Conóceme mejor

Passionated on getting the best flavor and respect of the products

My name is Benjamin Leib originally from France

I have spent the last 17 years working all over the world as a Chef, I have learnt to work with all different cultures and how to provide a five stars experience .

have serve the Prime minister of France during my military service as Personal Chef

Lately I have been working as French chef consultant for a group of Hotels in Thailand, looking after the VIP Costumers and the royal family of Thailand.

Foto de Benjamin Leib

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

my life, my passion and the best way to feed myself

Aprendí a cocinar en...

I learned to cook at home first with my Italian Grand mother then I have studied in the culinary school of Avignon, Provence, France,

Un secreto...

creating new recipes with the same ingredients while respecting and treating the ingredients correctly without loosing the original taste.

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