Chef Cedric Calus

Chef Privé À Namur
Chef Cedric Calus

Mieux me connaître

Cooking is more than a job, it's a Passion! Able to cover everything from meat, fish, vegetables but also bakery, pastry, chocolate, and much more.

I made my studies at the Hospitality School ITCF Spa (Belgium).

I'm a very professional chef with up to 20 years of experience in Fine Dining and Michelin Star restaurants in Belgium, France, Italy and UK.

I also made some experience in Butchery and pastry to be more competent in every section and be able to give the best service.

Then decided to work for private services worldwide.

Photo de Cedric Calus

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

Defenitly passion and lifstyle!

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

Many Fine dining and Michelin star restaurants in Belgium, France, Italy and UK but also worked for Private Families worldwide.

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

Flexibility, creativity, adatpation, professionalism.

Réserver votre expérience avec Cedric

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