Chef Sophie Annabelle

Chef At Home In Croydon
Chef Sophie Annabelle

Get to know me better

Natural chef crafting dishes nourishing your body and feel your soul.

I'm a spirited woman and artist blending my love for cooking, writing and capturing beauty to inspire a journey of love and spiritual growth.

As a culinary artist, I create culinary experiences that nourish hearts. I'm a lifelong intuitive cook of fresh and wholesome food, embodying the healing properties of natural ingredients. My food artfully embraces the flavours of Chinese cuisine, diverse tastes of Pan-Asian and the aromatic nuances of Mediterranean cooking. I believe in the power of natural food to nourish and connect us to our souls and connect our hearts, making dining a moment of beauty and love.

Photo from Sophie Annabelle

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is my natural being. It's a practice of mindfulness and beauty in simple moments. It's a gift I share with the world to connect hearts.

I learned to cook at...

I first learned cooking from my grandpa, a head chef in Sichuan, China. Since then I practised cooking in my home kitchen during my international life

A cooking secret...

Intuition, embracing the healing properties of natural ingredients, and embodying the essence of Chinese, Pan-Asian and Mediterranean cooking.

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