Chef Daniela Patteri

Chef Particular A Porto Cervo
Chef Daniela Patteri

Conoscimi meglio

Passionate about food,I love to cook for other to people.

I’m a professional chef since 10 years.

I love every kind of food and I try to learn new skills everyday.

I’ve worked and lived in Germany where I start to cook.

I’ve moved to London to expand my personal and work knowledge.

London change me deeply specially in my job.

I had the opportunity to work as a private chef at home or catering service and visit and work every kind of restaurant kitchen.

Then I took a year to travel and I work for a luxury river cruise ship company.

For new life experience I choose then Dublin where I actually work for a seafood restaurant in city center.

Foto di Daniela Patteri

Di più su di me

Per me la cucina è....

For me,cooking is my way to express myself. Is a way to give love to people you love.

Ho imparato a cucinare a...

I learn to cook at Restaurants,I start from the bottom till today when I m a valuable member of every kitchen I work.

Un segreto in cucina...

My secret in the kitchen is to love and respect every single Ingredient. Be simple but creative.

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  2. Chef in Italia
  3. Daniela Patteri
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