Chef Changos Kitchen

Chef At Home In San Miguel De Allende
Chef Changos Kitchen

Get to know me better

The Changos are two San Miguel de Allende based chefs pushing the limits of culinary possibilities for the discerning epicure

At Changos, we believe that cooking is not just about creating delicious meals, but also about bringing joy and creating unforgettable experiences for our guests. The enjoyment of cooking is evident in every dish we prepare, as our talented chefs pour their heart and soul into each recipe. From the sizzling sound of ingredients hitting the pan to the intoxicating aroma that fills the air, the entire kitchen comes alive with the excitement of culinary creation. Every step of the process is carefully curated to ensure that our guests not only savor the flavors but also feel a sense of warmth and happiness. The Changos kitchen experience is a blend of creativity, passion, and artisanal techniques, resulting in dishes that are not only visually stunning but also uniquely satisfying. It is our unwavering commitment to bringing happiness through food, making each guest leave with a smile on their face and a heart full of delicious memories.

Photo from Changos Kitchen

More about me

For me, cooking is...

An way to show love for produce by utilizing it as it suits bests for others to enjoy in a way they didn't imagine.

I learned to cook at...

started cooking since the age of 5 between mons, grandmas and aunts

A cooking secret...

Hard work, dedication and fun

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