Chef Abby Pilla

Chef At Home In East Stroudsburg
Chef Abby Pilla

Get to know me better

Passionate Private Chef specializing in gourmet cuisine for professional athletes & high-profile clientele

Also known by many as "Buonabbytito!" I'm currently living my dream as a Private Performance Chef and "eating my best life!" I grew up in Northeast PA, and I graduated from the Culinary Nutrition program at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI.

With my background rooted in nutrition and health science, I strive to educate and demonstrate the importance of food and nutrition as fuel and medicine. A study abroad trip to Italy taught me the importance of locally sourcing quality ingredients to make exquisite food that heals the body, while cooking for an SEC football team challenged me to win over the pickiest of palates in a fast-paced, electric environment. It's always a great success when a client who's hard to feed loves one of my dishes. Creating a positive environment around food, learning to think about ingredients and where they come from and being mindful of what your body needs are just a few topics I hope to encourage through my food.

I find pure joy in bringing people together through my food. Food is the magical thread that weaves connections, whether you're family, friends or even strangers. Happiness rarely keeps company with an empty stomach. Outside of the kitchen you can find me traveling, at the beach, being active in nature or simply being a "foodie". I’m glad you found me and I look forward to cooking for you soon!

~ Chef Abby

Photo from Abby Pilla

More about me

For me, cooking is...

"love". Food is really the DNA of who we are. Food has the power to heal and nourish our bodies, and that's what gives it such unbelievable power!

I learned to cook at...

Johnson & Wales Culinary school, but I was introduced to the kitchen at a very young age. I would be glued to the tv watching Emeril Lagasse. *BAM!*

A cooking secret...

shhh…. it’s a secret ???

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