Chef Justin Delgado

Private Chef In Austin
Chef Justin Delgado

Get to know me better

Confident, creative, and passionate; I want to bring people together through shared unique experiences and elevate expectations of what cuisine can be

I have always been drawn to kitchens, ever since I was a kid. I grew up with a large family so every weekend was a party. My Mom and all her sisters would be inside making tortillas from scratch, baking away all day long; it was inspiring. Then I would go outside and see my Dad and all his brothers building a massive fire to roast a pig on that they had killed earlier that morning. It was those memories that guided me. Now I have been cooking professionally for 15 years. I've cut my teethe at some of the top French and Mexican restaurants in Austin. Worked my way to Chef de Cuisine till I decided make my own way. I started Hunter Gatherer Hospitality to make the food that inspired me growing up, bring people together around the fire, create memories and stories to inspire others.

Photo from Justin Delgado

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is emotional, every dish I make is an expression of who I am as a chef; It is me telling my story.

I learned to cook at...

I learned French technique at Justine's Brasserie, and the complexities of Mexican cuisine at Licha's Cantina, where I resided as Chef de Cuisine.

A cooking secret...

Good ingredients shine on there own, don't complicate it. Make it good, make it right, and taste everything twice.

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