Chef Roshni Dutt

Private Chef In Las Vegas
Chef Roshni Dutt

Get to know me better

I'm passionate about bringing people together through the culinary experiences I had growing up in India.

I was born in Kolkata, India and moved to the US in 2015. In Kolkata, everything revolves around food: outstanding restaurants, as many as four meals a day, and a special Sunday lunch followed by an obligatory nap. Food was an integral part of my childhood and I learned to cook from my grandmother at a young age.

I couldn’t find the flavors I grew up eating and that intense craving gave me the courage to start following my own food dream. I want to share the incredible food experiences I had growing up with you.

Photo from Roshni Dutt

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My purpose and I want people to experience the pleasure of sharing a meal with others.

I learned to cook at...

I learnt most of what I know from my grandmother and the recipes I cook are family recipes I grew up eating at my home in Kolkata, India.

A cooking secret...

Letting each ingredient shine and enjoying the process of cooking by being as present as possible.

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