Chef Aaron Pryear

Personal Chef In Naples
Chef Aaron Pryear

Get to know me better

A chef with an unparalleled passion for cooking. My goal is deliver unique flavor profiles, creativity, poise, and elegance to anything I create.

Growing up along the coastal parts of Alabama, I discovered my love for food through the abundance of fresh seafood, farmer's markets, and butcher shops. With the guidance of my mother and grandmother, I developed a passion for cooking that led me to pursue my culinary education at Johnson and Wales University. For nearly two decades, I honed my craft as a Banquet Chef at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, where I gained invaluable experience working in restaurants and managing culinary events. Over time, I discovered that I had a gift for teaching, which has become an essential part of my culinary journey. Through sharing my knowledge and talent with others, I have found fulfillment in pursuing my dreams of cooking and teaching.

Photo from Aaron Pryear

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is my passion its my God's given gift.

I learned to cook at...

I attended at Johnson and Wales University Charleston SC, then JWU North Miami FL.

A cooking secret...

Create food that you enjoy cooking. Respect the nature of the food that you are preparing.

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