Chef Emily Coiro

Personal Chef In Phoenix
Chef Emily Coiro

Get to know me better

I have always had an insatiable passion for food and learning everything I could about cooking.

My profession has always been in restaurants, but for the last five years I tried my hand at teaching culinary arts. I have learned so much more and deepened my passion for culture. I lean more into the pastry arts, but have trained in all areas of the kitchen. Anything from grill all the way to salads I am well rounded in this profession. One thing that always draws my attention are artisanal breads! I was trained in a program by the San Fransisco Baking Institute while in Education. However cake will always hold a special place in my heart. I can honestly say that I love food and can’t seem to satisfy my urning for cultures.

Photo from Emily Coiro

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Part of life. You will alway need to feed yourself. There is no sense in doing it poorly. Even the simplest of meals should be delightful!

I learned to cook at...

I began my career by taking culinary course in college. I moved to Jackson Hole and worked in multiple restaurants in Teton Village building my skills

A cooking secret...

Utilizing the food from the land and season around you. Nothing tastes better than a strawberry in peak season. No compromises here.

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