Private Chef
Enjoy a customized culinary experience with a Private Chef in the comfort of your own home.
Enjoy the experience
There is no more intimate restaurant than your own home, where you can be at ease with the people you care for. Now, you can bring the magic of a fine dining restaurant to your table, through talented chefs who will tailor a menu to your cravings.
Turn your home into a restaurant and indulge yourself with a unique dining experience at home.
How it works
Personalize your request
Receive menu proposals
Get chatty with your chefs
Book your experience
Top private chefs
We've curated the largest chefs portfolio worldwide, so you can have access to talented chefs with a passion for food and hospitality.
More than 4300 guests have already enjoyed the experience
4.55 Chef
4.72 Food quality
4.6 Presentation
4.72 Cleaningness
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1475 menus personalized by our Private Chefs in Brazil
Every occasion is unique - make sure you have the right chef and menu for it!
Marrocan couscous
Greek mezze
Roasted vegetables
Octopus salad
Mediterranean fish
Fresh pasta
Roasted potatoes
Yellow fruit's pavlova
Brazilians bites
Cheese & charcuterie board
Shrimp salad
Caprese salad
Brazilian barbecue
Brazilian's sides
Dulce de leche lava cake
Salada de laranja, rúcula e balsâmico
Radicchio, molho limone e amêndoas tostadas
Ossobuco c\ risoto a milanese
Torta de queijo com sorvete de leite
Creme alho poro acompanhado de croutons e parmesão. pão italiano, focaccia, piadina, grissini e bruschetta. caponata siciliana, sardella e salsa verde. salada caprese
Gnocchi de batata baroa ao ragu de charque
Carpaccio de salmão, laminas de maçãs verdes e lascas de manga
Taça de vellutê de mandioquinha, camarão salteados, acompanhado de croutons e parmesão
Ravioli verdi de espinafre e ricota ao molho sugo
Filé à chateaubriand acompanhado de risotto allo spumante
Ossobuco con risotto ao zafferano original italiano
Morangos assados com sorvete de pistache
Panna cotta com calda de frutas vermelhas
Crepes alla nutella
Fatias de pão de sidra com manteigas saborizadas
Elemento surpresa (prato exclusivo e inédito decidido pelo chef)
Filé oswaldo aranha versão tartare com chips de batata e aioli
Salada de vieiras frescas com vinagre de framboesa
Filé de linguado ao molho de vinho, redução de creme, frutos do mar, cogumelos torneados e óleo de coentro
Costela desfiada ao molho de cerveja preta na crosta de pão e queijo
Mil folhas de banana, mousse de baunilha com macadâmias caramelizadas e chantilly de sour cream
Bruschettas de tomate e molho pesto
Antepastos com torrada de pão de fermentação natural
Salada caesear, com molho caesear tradicional, frango e pães de fermentação natural
Carpaccio ao molho de mostarda
Arancini de queijo e prosciuto
Peixe assado na crosta de sal com legumes à provençal
Pappardelle ao molho de ossobuco
Spaghetti all nero
Gnocchi napolitana com presunto de parma
Bisteca fiorentina com pasta fagioli
Panna cotta de morango
Cannoli de baunilha e pistache
Zeppole de creme com frutas vermelhas
We will create a menu specially for you
We will create a main course specially for you
We will create a dessert specially for you
Tartelete mousse de salmão, cebolinha e tomate cereja assado + fatias de pepino, folhas de hortelã em vinagrete de laranja e endro
Vichyssoise: cold cream de alho-poró, batatas e cogumelos paris crocantes + pão de fermentação natural feito com azeite com infusão de ervas
Arroz dourado pilaf com codorniz em salsa de vino blanco + brotos de beterraba
Patê a choux com recheio de creme de confeiteiro, cobertura de ganache de chocolate e praliné de sementes
Personalize your menu
A romantic dinner or a gathering of friends. Traditional dishes or exotic flavours. A fine dining experience or a family-style meal. Every private chef experience is unique! Submit your request and personalize yours.
About us
Founded in 2012, Take a Chef began with a deep belief that the best of the culinary talent should not be kept hidden behind the thick walls of a restaurant's kitchen; it should be allowed to shine at the one place where everyone enjoys the most treasured meals- one's own dining table.
We're focused on creating a seamless booking experience to foster personalization and connection between chefs and guests.
We've curated a selection of chefs based on their expertise and passion to grant our guests access to every cuisine in the world.
We turn chefs into hosts to build meaningful connections with their guests, from the first message till the final toast.
Trusted by industry leaders
With the combination of technology, food knowledge, and love for the hospitality business, we have been able to offer the only global solution in the market to provide high-quality private chef services at any destination, at any given time.
Take a Chef in Brazil
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Discover the services offered by Take a Chef in Brazil.